MTMS Anthem
1. We are warriors of Mountain of Fire,
Institute of Spiritual Warfare
We are set to depopulate hell,
And through warfare set captives free.
2. We shall conquer principalities and powers,
Rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness
Our weapons are truth and righteousness
To deliver all captives of Satan.
3. Heaven is our greatest focus,
We shall get there in Jesus name
Holiness and prayer is our occupation,
With fervent praise and worship to our God.
4. Our armour, the sword of the spirit,
Is the Holy Bible, the greatest armour
We shall turn the world around for Jesus
5. We shall watch keenly and pray without ceasing
For we know that Satan is our foe
By the blood of Jesus and by our testimony
We conquer Satan in Jesus name.
We shall make it, Yes, we conquer Satan
By the word of God, by the blood of Jesus
We have victory by Holy Ghost power
In Jesus name, in Jesus name.